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Please contact Delivery Team on
0113 3200 750 if you have any queries.

Frequently Asked Questions

A great big welcome back to school to all of our children. We appreciate that parents will have some questions, so we have answered the most frequently asked below. If you still have a question to ask, please call reception on 01977 706063 and we will be happy to help.

Q. What time does my child start/finish school and which entrance should they use?

From September, Year 3 and 4 start at 9.00am and finish at 3.30pm. Year 5 and 6 start at 8.50am and finish at 3.20pm. There are two entrances to school, one on Wakefield road and one off Fearnley Street.

Staff members will be on the playground to welcome your child into school. You will appreciate mornings and the end of school day are very busy times and all staff are engaged in making sure that children are safe, so if you have any questions please contact the office.

Q. I have to collect my child during the school day for an appointment, what should I do?

If you need to collect your child for an appointment, you will need to contact Reception  on 01977 706063 . You will need to provide evidence of your child's appointment and you will need to collect your child from Reception and sign your child out.

Q. I have a question/ need to speak to someone, what should I do?

Depending on the urgency of your query, please contact school on 01977 706063 or email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Q. My child has arrived at school late, what should I do?

Please try to get your child to school at the times specified above but we also understand that things happen that are out of your control and children are sometimes late because of this. When you arrive at school, please come to Reception to sign your child in. Please note that we are strictly monitoring the frequency of late arrivals and collections.

Q. My child has forgotten their water bottle/ packed lunch, what should I do?

Please bring the item(s) into Reception.

Q. What day does my child do PE and do I send them to school with a PE kit?

Each year group has a different PE day and children will need to come to school wearing their PE kit. The PE kit is a white t-shirt/ red polo shirt with navy shorts and trainers or jogging bottoms and jogging top in cooler weather.

From September:

Monday - Year 6

Tuesday - Year 4

Wednesday - Year 3

Friday - Year 5 (this is also their dedicated swimming day)

Please do not send your child to school in branded football or rugby shirts/shorts as you will be asked to collect them in order to change.

Q. What before and after school care can I access?

Oakhill Day Nursery are providing before and after school care for us and you can find their details here.


Q. Can children bring a bag/ pencil case from home?

Children may bring a book bag to school as well as a water bottle and packed lunch. Children do not need to bring any stationery items with them as these are provided by school. Children do not need to bring any other bag as they will be coming in their PE kit on their dedicated day and we do not have the space for large bags. Children who are swimming can bring a small bag with their swimming kit inside.

Q. Can my child have a mobile phone as they walk home alone?

We are asking all parents not to send their children with mobile phones unless it is absolutely necessary. However, we appreciate that in some situations it is, especially for the upper years of school where children may walk home alone. If your child brings their phone to school, they will need to hand them into Reception and collect them at the end of the day.  SCHOOL WILL ACCEPT NO LIABILITY FOR THE LOSS OR THEFT OF ANY MOBILE PHONE BROUGHT ONTO THE PREMISES; YOU WILL DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK.


School Uniform

You can see the school uniform requirements here: School Uniform - what does my child need? (this will open in a new window)

You can now order school uniform direct from school by going to your School Money account (year 2 children will receive their login details early August by email). 

   Uniform is also available to purchase from Better and Bright - another of our approved suppliers:

 Uniform can also be purchased from Signature on Ropergate, Pontefract.


School Dinners

We are very pleased to offer school dinners that are made in our own school kitchen, provided by our catering company DOLCE. During your child's time at Infant school they would have received their dinners free of charge, regardless of your circumstances. Unfortunately, that is no longer the case as junior children are not entitled to Universal Free School Meals. However, if you feel that your child is entitled to FREE SCHOOL MEALS and have not previously applied to the Free School Meals team at Wakefield Council, it is really important that you apply now. You can do this by simply clicking on the link below and submitting their form to them. We kindly ask you to complete a form even if you know you're entitled but don't want the free meal as school receives additional funding for your child - this funding helps our school keep class sizes small, provide additional 1-1 learning and provide the essential resources that each child needs to learn effectively.



Useful Information

You can find our current policies here.

Become familiar with staff names here.

2022/2023 Approved Wakefield School Holiday Calendar can be found here.

Our INSET days for 2022/2023 are

Monday 5th September 2022

Monday 31st October 2022

Friday 26th May 2023

Monday 24th July 2023

Tuesday 25th July 2023