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Fighting Fantasy

The Fighting Fantasy Club is a reading club held on a Monday lunchtime in Year 4. The club aims to promote a love of reading through the 'Fighting Fantasy' series of books, which are different from 'normal' books. The books are not read from front to back, but instead require the children to decide what the hero will do and then turn to the corresponding page, making the experience an enthralling one!

The governing body very kindly supplied the club with multiple copies of each book we will be reading, which allows the pupils to take it in turns to read each section of the story whilst the others follow along with their copy.

Whilst journeying through the story, the pupils record any gold or objects that we collect along the way, as well as drawing a map of our adventure and recording any changes to luck or health following any battles with the many creatures that we encounter!

Upon completion of the first book, the Warlock of Firetop Mountain, we will be using our favourite words and phrases from the book to aid us in writing our own Fighting Fantasy book. We have also produced art inspired our reading, such as the example by Kacey shown in the slideshow above.