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Welcome to Year 4!

Welcome to our new Year 4 pupils! The staff are really looking forward to teaching and learning with you this coming year!


The staff in Year 4 are as follows:

4HB - Miss H. Buxton (Teacher),

4GJ - Mr G. Jefferson (Teacher), 

4DS - Mr D. Smith (Teacher),

Mrs B. Proctor (Teacher),

 Mrs S. Lord & Mrs J. Palit - PPA Teachers

Mrs A. Perry, Mrs S. Kenworthy, Miss C. McLane and Miss L. England (Teaching Assistants)


We have got some exciting topics and activities planned for you this year! Our new topic, to start the year is 'Celts and Romans' and will see us investigating famous  landmarks, people, technology and the growth and fall of the Roman empire. It is a great topic to start with as it links to many of our other subjects such as Maths, Literacy, Art, Geography, Languages, R.E., Science, Geography and, of course, History!

Below are the current Medium Term Plan (what we will be studying during the Autumn, Spring & Summer term) and the Long Term Plan (an overview of all the learning that will take place during Year 4). (These documents are always being reviewed)

Year 4 Long term plan

Showing 1-1 of 1

Year 4 Autumn term plans

 Medium Term Plan Autumn 1 Year 4 ( FINAL) (1).pdfDownload
 Medium Term Plan Autumn 2 Year 4 Final.pdfDownload
 Yr4 - Roman Invasion - Music knowledge organiser.pdfDownload
Showing 1-3 of 3

Year 4 Spring term plans

 Europe knowledge organiser final.pdfDownload
 Spring Term 1 Year 4 Medium Term plan- Europe (1).pdfDownload
 Spring Term 2 Year 4 Medium Term plan- Europe.pdfDownload
 Yr4 - Europe - Music knowledge organiser.pdfDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4

Year 4 Summer term plans

 Summer Term 1 Year 4 Medium Term plan- Ancient Egypt.pdfDownload
 Year 4 Summer term Ancient Egypt Knowledge organiser.pdfDownload
 Yr4 - Ancient Egypt - Summer 1 - Music knowledge organiser.pdfDownload
Showing 1-3 of 3

Please visit our Coronavirus Update Page for current updates from school.

If you would like to email in any completed work, photographs/videos of home learning or just to say hello please email: 

Here are some useful websites to help your child whilst learning at home:

For weekly homework and in the case of closure please access Google Classrooms at 

Also remember to access your Times Tables Rockstars at

For R.E. resources and activities why not visit 

Parents could also use the BBC Bitesize online daily lesson service that has been made using

Parents could also use the Oak National Academy online daily lessons and quizzes using

Children could also complete Maths games on or 

Parents can also use Twinkl to support their childs learning at

Also why not learn a new skill and play chess using 

Also check the music class page for music activities set by Mrs Hemmingway that are suitable for all year groups

Some fun activities from the RSPB 

Some fun activities from The Woodland Trust  

Active 15 

Year 4 now have Active 15, it is a new initiative which encourages children to adopt a healthy lifestyle. By participating in fifteen minutes of exercise every day, the pupils are improving their fitness whilst playing numerous games using lots of P.E. equipment. Some pictures of pupils enjoying the Active 15 will follow shortly.

Here are some of our welcome back to school displays after our COVID-19 lockdowns from last year.

Here are some of our Topic information displays from around the Year 4 area

Here are some of the wonderful art projects that we did during the Autumn term 2020-21

Here are some pictures from our Harvest Festival Service which we did

on Friday 16th October 2021 at St Thomas Church

Year 4 P.E. with Featherstone Rovers

The children in Year 4 really enjoyed the PE sessions that were run by Featherstone Rovers. These ended with a Sports Morning involving all the athletics skills the children had been taught. Well done to everyone for taking part and giving it a go.

Keep Calm and Carry On!!! Lockdown Learning!!!

This page will be updated periodically with new information and news about our wonderful year group!!!